"If you have high hopes in your heart, then that work will succeed only with hard work, patience, and perseverance" is definitely not a shortcut to success and if you want to become a horse of a long race, then you should continue with patience and perseverance. In the era of globalization, 'Company Secretary' (CS) is one such field in which there are many opportunities for skilled and toiling people to reach new heights. These opportunities are increasing rapidly not only at the national but also at the international level. ASSI Secretary and CEO - "Due to expansion in the field of companies and acquisition and merger, the demand for qualified CS is increasing both in the country and abroad."
Today, the post of company secretary in any firm matters a lot because of that company and its board of directors, shareholders, and government. Works as a link between other agencies. He is a legal expert of the company and advises on matters such as Corporate Law, Security Law, Capital Markets, and Corporate Governance, besides being a Corporate Planner and Strategic Manager, he also serves as the regulatory body of the company. Obviously, CS is a field of immense responsibility, hard work, and patience. Many veteran cs of the country say that this profession is only for the youth who are strong. "Willpower, hard work, and ability to work even in adverse conditions. It always tests a man's patience."
Learn about the Company Secretary
CS Act 1980 'has been passed by the Parliamentary Act under the Corporate Ministry of the Government of India. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), formed according to this Act, is the only institution that offers CS courses in India. Students who successfully pass this course become associate members of ICSI. After becoming a member, he becomes eligible to write 'ACS (Associate Company Secretary) with his name. After working hard during studies and having a good experience later, you get both fame and money in this field. According to 'Section 383A' of the Companies Act 1956, a company with a capital of more than 5 crore rupees will be required to have a CS. According to experts, CS is the backbone of the corporate sector, and the growth of any company is not possible without CS. The importance of CS is increasing day by day and the youth are adopting it as a better option for a high career. There is no compulsory regular class in this and can also be studied at home.
Remote students of the country can also do CS 'Foundation Program through e-learning. If they wish, they can also complete executive and professional programs through e-learning even today. Students in 24 hours through e-learning! Whenever you want, at your convenience. One can avail of online guidance. Discussion, online chatting, web-based training, video-based training, and live virtual classrooms are available for interaction with students under e-learning.
Company Secretary admission process
Students who have passed 12th in any subject except Fine Art can be admitted to the CS Foundation Course. If you have a commerce background and have a good grasp of the subject then preparing for the Company Secretary course can be easy. ICSI offers three-tier courses through its 73 centers spread across the country - foundation, executive, and professional programs. It is compulsory for a 12th-pass student to do these three-level courses, but the graduate has to take only two-level courses.
The process of admission to CS continues throughout the year and there is no provision for an entrance examination or interview, just registration is enough. The following candidates can directly be admitted to the CS Executive Program- (1) Graduate and Post Graduate in any subject except Corporate Secretaryship and Commerce Graduate and (2) Fine Arts (3) Who have 'The Institute of India Cast and Works Accountancy of India (ICWA) Final Examination. Money, (4) Have passed the examination of ICAI or any other Indian 156 'Accountancy Institute or from a recognized foreigner. Have passed their equivalent examination.
Exams related to the course are held twice a year in June and December, but for this, it is necessary to register beforehand. For more information, you can contact the below Address:
The Institute of Company Secretary of India '(ICSD. ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Phone (011) 24644431, www.icsi.edu
Company Secretary Course design
(1) Foundation Program Students doing the Foundation Program are required to pass 4 papers. These four papers are on the following subjects - English and Business Communication, Economics and Statistics, Financial Accounting and Elements, and Business Law and Management.
(2) Executive Program - It consists of 6 papers, which are on the following subjects: General and Commercial Law, Company Accounts, Cost and Management Accounting, Tax Law Company Law, Economics, Labor Law, and Security Law.
(3) Professional Program Under this program, 8 papers have to be passed which are related to the following subjects: Company Secretary Practice Drafting, Appearance and Pleadings, Financial Treasury and Forex Management, Corporate Restoration, and Insolvency, Strategic Management, Alliance, International Trade, Advance. Tax Law and Practice, Due Diligence and Corporate Compliance Management Governance, and Business Ethics and Sustainability.
After passing the final examination of the professional program, students have to go for practical and management training. Under this, a student has to undergo 15 months of practical training in a company, during which they will be given Rs. 6000 by the company. A stipend of up to Rs 10000 is also given. Apart from this, 15 days of practical training is also given in a specialized agency such as the Registrar of Companies, Stock Market, Financial, Insurance, or Banking Institutions. After successfully completing the professional course and after practical training, students can register themselves in ICSI as "Associate Company Secretary" (ACS).
How to prepare for the Company Secretary exam?
The percentage of success in the Company Secretary exam is very low, so it is very important to study the syllabus seriously. Understanding the basics is necessary for preparation, so it is more appropriate to try to understand the syllabus rather than rote. Since all subjects are related to each other. Therefore, a basic understanding of one makes it easier to understand the other. Regular studies of at least 6 hours are necessary for appearing in the examinations. Study the study material given to you by the institute seriously. Commitment and a positive attitude are required in this exam.
For good preparation, study the question papers of the past years, this will give you an idea of the trend the time frame, and the method of solving the questions. Since the law has special utility in this profession. In this, scanners related to important topics are available in the market, and with the help of the scanner, you can finalize your preparation. Good command and regular and systematic study of language and subjects play a decisive role in the preparation of the Company Secretary. Students who have been admitted to this should put this matter fully in their minds. That if any hard work is done in the right direction according to positive thinking and better planning, then no examination is difficult. Since the number of students who are successful in the Company Secretary course is very less. Therefore, before setting goals, one should prepare himself physically and mentally for hard work.
Job opportunities after doing the Company Secretary course.
Any organization whose functions are regulated by the executive board, council, or other corporate structure, companies listed on the stock market and waiting to be listed, law services of the central government, finance law, accounts, and commercial departments of national banks. Along with this, public sector companies also take the help of CS. But only the well-qualified 'companies listed on CS' priorities remain.
Qualified Company secretaries also have better earning opportunities by working in good companies and if they want to work any time they wish, they can earn a good income even by practicing independently. ICSI President explains that "there is no dearth of better opportunities for qualified Company Secretary in a changing and dynamic global economy". According to market analysts, by the year 2020-2021, more than 50-60 thousand CS professionals will be needed in India only. In such a situation, the future of CS is bright. Can be imagined.
After taking a company secretary course. A good salary package can be obtained by becoming a Company Secretary and Finance Officer, Assistant Company Secretary and Law Officer, Company Secretary and Executive Officer, Company Secretary and Vice President, and Chief Compliance Officer. is. Also university or coaching. Commerce by doing P-HD in institutions and. One can also work as a lecturer of management subjects, ICSI also organizes placement programs every year. In which according to need. Students are selected in the financial, private, and government sectors. Opportunities are also available on high salary packages abroad for candidates who are qualified and have a good grasp of English or any other major foreign language.
Company Secretary practicing independently. Can get opportunities in the following areas
- Each company with a paid-up share capital of more than Rs 10 crore and less than Rs crore requires the services of CS for the 'Compliance Certificate', while CS is empowered to issue a Compliance Certificate.
- License, registration, loan, tax, and. Provide advice to companies on issues like a partnership.
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