How women become smart users of smartphones in 2020

Educarehub Channel
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In today's technology and digital world, women are considered less and less for handling smartphones. If you too dependent on others for phone features or general information, then this article is for you. Women can become smart users of smartphones in 2020 by following some tips.

How women become smart users of smartphones in 2020

Tips for Women to become a smart user of smart Phones in 2020

Women are often underestimated in handling smartphones. They are less interested in technology, due to which most depend on children or other household members for work. In this article, we are sharing such information, which will make you a smart user. A lot of research has shown that nowadays women spend more time on smartphones than men.

Strong passcode

The first step to secure the smartphone is to have a strong passcode. A strong passcode does not mean using your nickname or date of birth. You need to include alphabets, numerics, special characters like @ #% & * to strengthen the passcode. Such passcodes are difficult to hack.

Now security with the biometric lock has increased manifold, so always use biometric lock whenever you are with someone so that the front person will not know about your passcode.


If you do not know how to keep the icons and apps in the smartphone, then you can use the app lock feature. App lock applications will be found in play store and ios where you can further protect your apps. For example, if you put an app lock in gallery apps, no photo will be able to see the video. You can also apply app lock in WhatsApp. Use the lock application on where to lock.

Install Safe Apps Google has created a department dedicated to testing apps to be added to the Play Store. This department removes the most harmful apps before reaching users. However, there are many other sources from where anyone can download the application for Android but there is no check as to whether the app is safe or not. So whenever you install an application, always download it from the Google play store, do not use any other platform.

Security apps

There are many applications that are built for our security purpose. Avast, Bitdefender McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky, Trend Micro, etc. Every security app has its own way of serving like someone offers free service initially, and someone asks for payment in the beginning. These security apps provide features such as automatic scans, malware detection, data theft prevention. These include call blocking, remote lock, privacy scanner, etc. These apps act as the security shield of the mobile.

Delete history

Many times, some sites are opened in the phone that needs to be deleted, so that it cannot be seen by the child and has the wrong effect, so always delete the history of your phone. Click on the search option to delete the history. Here you will find information about old sites or what you have searched for. Click on it for a while and then you will get the option to delete, click there and delete that search site. In many phones, marking arrows are made in front of the searched sites, on which the direct click is removed.

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