Those who only worry about the present benefit, they are never able to make far-reaching progress. If the farmer thinks about whether the crop will be harvested or not, hence why to sow the seeds, then how will he get the crop in the future. The entire nature follows the rule of investment or far-reaching fruit. If you invest today, you will benefit from tomorrow. If you sow a seed today and take proper care of it, then nature will give you a hundredfold fruit in return. This is the law of karma and fruit. It is a law of cause and consequence. Unfortunately, most people ignore this rule in the field of success. They do not want to wait for success, they do not want to invest for success. They want success today. Obviously, this results in nothing but frustration, because foresight is the basic rule of success.
Foresight is essential to success in any field. If a human being foresees the possibilities or risks of an area, then its chances of success increase. However, we get many interesting stories about the lack of foresight in history, which seems to be a historical mistake. In 1897, Charles Drell, head of the US Patent Office, said that this office should be closed now because all the inventions that could have been done have happened now.
Foresight thinking is one of the main principles of rich peoples, below I explained through my research which will motivate you, and maybe you will become a foresight thinker for your better future.
He said this at the end of the nineteenth century, which seems to be a bizarre thing today, as the twentieth century has been a century of inventions. And it has big inventions ranging from airplanes to computers. But due to lack of transparency, Duel felt that the series of inventions was over.
Due to lack of foresight, H.P. Giants such as Stephen Wozniak and Steve Jobs did not take any interest in personal computers, although Wozniak offered to sell it to them or pay it for royalty. This same lack of foresight also led to the video game's grandfather and Atari company head Nolan Bushnell losing the golden opportunity to buy the Apple company, as they believed personal computers could never be popular. The same situation was with Carlson's invention of the photocopier. IBM As many veteran companies could not foresee the photocopier's success, they showed no interest in Carlson's invention.
This lack of foresight is not limited to companies or common men. It is found in experts as well. When Thomas Edison was inventing the electric bulb, scientists were ridiculing and criticizing him. Dr. Henry Morton of Stevens Institute was so irritated by Edison's claim that he gave a statement to the newspapers that the making of an electric bulb was nothing but ignorance and a plan to deceive. Scientists believed that the first thing is that an electric bulb cannot be made for a long time and secondly, even if such a bulb is made, it will not have any commercial benefit. How silly it seems today because electricity has become the foundation of modernity. Thomas Edison had the foresight, so not only did he make the bulb of light, but he also invented machines and devices that carried electricity from door to door.
This lack of foresight among experts gives us a glimpse of the invention of the telephone. When Alexander Graham Bell "telephoned" and displayed it at a science fair, the invention was good, but none of it was for the people. Alexander Graham Bell, the noted capitalist and investor JP Morgan Had clearly said, "Your telephone invention has no commercial value." Of course, we know today that ordinary people and Morgan did not see the future potential of telephones. Today, the entire communication revolution has taken place after the invention of the telephone and now there are new innovations in this field.
Due to lack of foresight, experts had said that such things as airplanes can never be built because no human can fly in the air. People believed that the way God made the earth for humans, similarly the sky was made for birds, so humans could never make a machine flying in the air. When the Wright brothers were involved in airplane experiments, their father was saying that it is not possible to make air-blowing machines. However, the Wright brothers had Foresight thinking, so they made the impossible possible.
Find tens of examples of the lack of foresight in the pages of history.
When Ted Turner was starting CNN, the media Criticizing that the twenty-four-hour news channel can never succeed.
When Walt Disney was making Disneyland, the idea seemed silly to everyone. There was such strong opposition to his idea that the board of directors of his company refused to put money in it and his brothers also turned against him. This happened because the rest were not as visionary as Disney, so they could not foresee the future.
IBM Had discovered a database based on the sequel language, but it felt that a database based on this technology would not be successful. As a result, Larry Ellison established the Oracle company by creating a database based on the sequel language and came on the list of billions.
The US Department of Posts had been distributing mail for years, but it was not so remote that it realized the popularity of overnight delivery, which others could not see.
IBM Large mainframes were being made and sold by computers and it could easily be made into a personal computer. But IBM marketing experts were sure that personal computers could never be popular, so they did not make any such effort, and eventually, Steve Jobs and Stephen Boliak created history by creating personal computers. I was not the only one thinking about personal computers.
Xerox Corporation had similar views. The interesting thing was that the research group of Xerox Corporation had also prepared a model of the personal computer. But marketing experts did not take the risk of selling it, as they believed that personal computers could be of no use. Intel had more or less the same approach in the field of personal computers. Like IBM, it could easily make and sell personal data, because of the microprocessors made by it, the personal computers used to run. However, Gordon Moore of Intel did not see any utility of personal computers, so he did not take any initiative in this direction. Digg yards companies and experts could not foresee the future potential of great inventions such as personal computers, the fact that foresight and foreigners are so rare!
Foresight or the habit of thinking far and wide is an essential quality of successful individuals. They not only think about the present, they think of the future. This is what sets him apart from the rest. A, let's see how the people who think up to the rate succeeded.
Five principles of Foresight thinking far
1. Sensing future problems
There are problems in every business or work and people with ambitions of success face more problems and obstacles than others. Those who dream of reaching the goal of success, foresee future problems, and think of ways to deal with them. By the way, all future problems in any business can neither be guessed, nor can be thought of a way to tackle them, but it makes the way easier for most. Sensing future problems is an important quality in the mindset of successful people.
2. Sensing future prospects
Successful people are visionary. Like problems, they foresee future possibilities before others. Then they plan to exploit them and engage in karma. Tom Monahan Realizes Pizza's Home Delivery Possibility, Ted Turner Offers 24-Hour International TV The news network saw the potential, Stephen Wozniak and Steve Jobs recognized the possibility of a personal computer, Bill Gates oversaw the possibility of software, Michael Dell recognized the possibility of direct selling, Jeff Bezos perceived the possibility of an online business. The list is very long because anticipating the future is the surest mantra of success and it is found in most successful people.
3. Thinking well about the results
Visionary people think well about the consequences and consider future loss and profit. When Jeff Bezos thought of opening an online book store, he knew very well how much he was at stake in this task. Likewise, Ted Turner, while starting CNN, knew how big a risk he was taking, but despite this, he took the risk on his own dream and took positive steps instead of taking protective steps. Successful people take planned risks. Although they think well about the results, their decision remains positive and progressive.
4. Take the loss now to gain later
Visionaries are prepared to take immediate small losses for far-reaching big gains. They know that even if there is an initial loss in investing, there is profit in the long run. Rupert Murdock wanted to spread his media empire around the world. For this, he deliberately sold many of his newspapers at a below cost, as he wanted to destroy his competitors. They knew that if they did not do this, they would never be able to realize their dreams. Similarly, Bill Gates initially distributed his operating system and software for free, as he wanted to make them popular. They knew that once people got used to Microsoft's software, money can be earned later.
5. Do not fall into temptation
Visionary people do not fall into the temptation of momentary benefit. They keep an eye on their dreams and stay away from temptations that distract them from the path. When the Edison Company proposed to be promoted to Henry Ford, he was told that for this he would have to give up his car engine usage. Ford knew that his economic status would be secured by the growth and increase of salary, but he did not fall into this temptation and kept on pursuing his dream. He quit his job and devoted himself to his experiments. Successful individuals, like Ford, do not fall into the temptation of momentary profit because they have far-reaching dreams and goals.
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