How should parents take the initiative to explain the Complicated Mind of their children?

A big question for all parents how should parents take the initiative to explain the Complicated Mind of their children?

How should parents take the initiative to explain the Complicated Mind of their children?

Dispute small and big things with parents, ignoring their sayings, questioning the rules of the house, and answering them in reverse, as if it has become an everyday thing. This leads to a tense atmosphere between 15-year-old Rohan and his parents. Result: Sometimes Rohan closes himself in the room and sometimes gets angry at the younger sister.

A similar or similar picture is probably of every family where there is a member who has gone through adolescence.

Adolescence is the time of change when physical, mental, emotional, social - many kinds of changes are taking place. Any kind of change brings challenges related to cohesion. Raising teenagers is also not untouched by this. Some parents handle these challenges well, and for some, they create dire situations. Sometimes these challenges related to upbringing take serious problems and affect mental health badly.

Why does this situation happen

Why is this kind of behavior so common? Why do teenagers show such a rebellious tendency? Can these situations be handled better? When should parents become aware? Many such questions get buried in the mind.

Understand from a psychological point of view, many well-known experts in this field have told in their reports and interviews that this stage of development is considered as the time of independent identity creation. It has the role of increasing physical, intellectual and social abilities. This period of brain and hormone development also causes emotional instability. Together tomorrow, a teenage boy comes to us as a girl, a personality growing up towards maturity, who has new ideas and he also shows ideological fraternity. It is also considered to show angry behavior and disagreement in readiness to decide for themselves. It is common practice to raise questions about the rules of the house amidst new mourning and interest in friends. The situation for parents starts from here.

Foundation of life skills

However, if this situation is handled with a positive environment and understanding, children can learn many life skills during this period. There are many occasions in life when there is a need to keep pace with every circumstance and variation while maintaining emotional balance. Many times one does not have to speak and one has to listen. That is, it is also necessary to keep your point firmly and accept rejections. It is possible to develop many skills such as assessing right-and-wrong, differentiating between needs and desires, setting priorities, losing but effectively speaking, expressing disagreement if adolescents' angry behavior is handled with patience.

What should parents do?

Parents take the initiative to explain the Complicated Mind of their children

Parents take the initiative to explain the Complicated Mind of their children by following these simple steps:

  • If the parents of growing children are aware of the changes in this stage of age before they become problems, then these situations can be handled better. This phase of physical, mental, and social change comes as a behavioral problem and a lack of harmony. But parents always keep in mind, a solution to every problem is possible.
  • As a parent, it is natural to expect a child, but remember, it should not be so much so that the pressure and stress are caused to the child.
  • Acknowledge that you, your teenage child's personality, interests, likes, and dislikes may be different. Even as teenagers are growing up and their social circle is developing, but with parents, they always need trust and guidance. So keep the loan of encouragement.
  • Have a balanced environment of freedom and rules. It would be good to state the reason behind the rules. If both parents implement the same rules of freedom and rules, then it will be easy to maintain discipline and order. That is, no one should relax.
  • It is very important to maintain a positive atmosphere of communication at home. Giving children responsibility according to age, giving opportunities to make small decisions, listening to their thoughts/opinions, and most important when children come to talk. Try to know if they are facing any kind of stress.
  • Avoid discussing their lack with others. Inferior feeling or suppressed resentment may increase rebellious tendencies.
  • Punishment, scolding, beating, etc. methods can aggravate the problem. These should be avoided as much as possible.
  • No matter how much the behavior of your teenage son/daughter excites you, it is important for you to maintain your patience and control your anger. Your own peaceful-restrained behavior can be helpful in teaching balanced behavior to teenagers.
  • If the child shows persistent irritability, aggression, disobedience, sadness, and a tendency to harm himself, then please consult a psychologist.
  • There are many challenges. The parent-adolescent son/daughter relationship is also difficult. But opportunities are hidden only in challenges. With endurance, solutions can be found in an active and positive way.

If you have any dilemma or problem regarding your teenage child, do share with us. You can ask your question in the comment box. We will try to provide a solution with the help of our expert team members.

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