Important advisory for Corona Virus by doctors and Government bodies you must know?

Coronavirus is a broad family of viruses that are actually named after their microscopic appearance a corona looks like a crown. They're you know again dozens of these there are a few of them that are known to infect humans that largely cause relatively mild upper respiratory disease or common cold and then more recently. Coronaviruses can cause severe lower respiratory tract disease or pneumonia. There are more than 10 to 11 nonillionviruses than stars in the universe. But why do only some infect us?

Important advisory for Corona Virus by doctors and Government bodies you must know?

So the first of these that we became acquainted with you might remember our readers might remember SARS. They also came out of China back in 2003. More recently we've had MERS which is known as the Mid East respiratory syndrome virus which is coming out of the Arabian Peninsula. So now this is the third kind of Novel Coronavirus that we're having experience with that can cause severe lower respiratory tract disease. Please follow the government rules and regulations in this pandemic crisis and must read this informative article of Important advisory for Corona Virus by doctors and Government bodies you must know?

Structural Diagram

Structural Diagram

How it spread

These typically spread from person to person, via large droplets respiratory droplets. So when somebody coughs or sneezes, it can be transmissible. The way correct many of these coronaviruses have a natural reservoir in animals, and so we know that in certain instances they've been able to infect camels or cats, or bats. The correct descriptions of this coronavirus coming out from China up to a food market. Where they had live-in animals that they would sell so the hypothesis is that there may be an animal reservoir that has now transferred to humans. Some specialist Doctors who're is an expert on global health security has confirmed this issue in their report.

I think right now the risk in China and in most countries outside of China is very low. The outbreak really seems to be concentrated in the city of Wuhan which is in kind of central-eastern China. We should probably be much more worried about influenza and respiratory diseases. American Doctors know caused significant morbidity and mortality every year so on an average year about 30,000 Americans died due to influenza, so they had one detected case of this new coronavirus in the world. So I think it's appropriate for folks to temper they're alarm but the reason to be aware that we are vulnerable to emerging infections anywhere in the world.

With modern transportation, you can be anywhere in the globe in 24 hours and so you know that this virus can also travel with the patient. The good thing is it highlights that Doctors become much better at detecting these types of events our surveillance is much better than it was even in 2003 with SARS and I think the fact that just a couple of weeks into the outbreak. We have a much better idea of what the pathogen systems already in place are doing for surveillance detection and tracking. So I think we're well ahead of where we have been with previous outbreaks but again this is, unfortunately. Something that's going to continue to happen new and emerging diseases is not going to stop anytime soon with Nebraska medicine having any roles in the biocontainment unit.

In responding to this particularly if it continues to grow Angela why don't you take that a sour director of the biocontainment Union sure so yes we definitely in the Nebraska biocontainment unit follow this and any other outbreak going in a world very closely and I do feel like that in our role as a biocontainment unit? You know as one of the leaders in the United States, bio contains men that we should not only be monitoring closely but also serving as an example. For others as far as doing appropriate travel screening here at Nebraska medicine making sure that when people come to our emergency department or our clinics we're asking the question have you traveled somewhere outside the United States not necessarily.

Just for this virus that we're discussing, but for other pathogens as well there are other Albirex going on. In the world as well but yes and in the biocontainment unit I do feel like we should serve in that leadership role. To provide that guidance for others in their infection control management. These types of pathogens as compared to stars can you expand on that a little bit and talk about the global response.

It looks like in terms of containing this type of outbreak and treating it if that's something that's sure. I think overall this response has been much quicker and much more open and transparent than what happened in 2003 was SARS. So SARS was going on and there were cases that were popping up on hospitals and transmission was occurring for months. But before anybody really became aware of it outside of you know the local endemic region. Then it took quite a while to identify what the virus was and to implement appropriate travel screening and precautions by that time.

Important advisory for Corona Virus by doctors and Government bodies

W.H.O view

W.H.O view

You know the virus that escaped from Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam ended up in Canada, and so you really had a worldwide outbreak at that point hopefully. So far we've seemed to have done a much better job of identifying cases and implementing the appropriate public health measures to prevent spread. You know as I mentioned the Chinese government has actually been very transparent and open about sharing the status of the outbreak and identified with notified partners as well as with the World Health Organization(W.H.O). 

W.H.O is apparently meeting to discuss whether this should be declared a public health emergency of international consequence. You know I think at this point most experts predict that it will not happen that the W.H.O will be satisfied with the status of response right now. 

The fact that this appears to be you know so far relatively confined except for you know a few cases that have kind of gotten out on airplanes. And so I think overall it does demonstrate that the world has made significant progress and combating these types of emerging disease threats.

So every country is very proactive for travelers from Wuhan China are actually being funneled into all country airports. Now where they are being screened for any kind of respiratory or febrile illness, if they were discovered they would be observed carefully in quarantine. 

The World Health Organization has advised people to take certain precautions in order to avoid contracting the coronavirus.

Some of the advice from the WHO includes washing your hands regularly, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you do come into contact with someone who is sick, it is important to clean and disinfect surfaces that you may have touched.

The WHO also advises people to stay at home if they are feeling sick, and to see a doctor if they develop symptoms such as a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. It is also important to avoid travelling to areas where there have been outbreaks of the virus.

Traveler guideline

Traveler guideline

Sometimes they can cause more severe diseases even the more common coronaviruses in our bone marrow transplant patients. Somebody who is immune-suppressed or the very young or the very old. So you know we do have a wealth of experience with coronaviruses in general. Learning more about this new one as days go by is ready. I mean with someone with a very severe case of this particular strain of the coronavirus potentially coming to the biocontainment unit. 

1. If you are sick, do not travel.
2. If you must travel, wear a face mask and wash your hands often.
3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
5. Stay at least six feet away from other people.
6. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

So it could be easily confused with you know much more common viruses that we're seeing and as dr. Lawler mentioned that it's important for our readers to keep this in perspective that you know we currently have a widely circulating virus influenza that causes anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 deaths per year in any country.

Ebola and SARS are familiar with Corona Virus

Ebola and SARS are familiar with Corona Virus

1. The three viruses are similar in that they are all RNA viruses and cause severe respiratory illness in humans.
2. However, there are some important differences between viruses.

Ebola is a filovirus, while SARS and Corona are both coronaviruses. Ebola is much more deadly, with a fatality rate of up to 90%. SARS has a fatality rate of around 10%, while the fatality rate for Corona is still unknown.

Ebola is spread through contact with bodily fluids, while SARS and Corona are both spread through respiratory secretions. Ebola has an incubation period of 2-21 days, while SARS has an incubation period of 2-14 days. The incubation period for Corona is unclear at this time.

There is no vaccine or treatment for Ebola, while there are treatments available for SARS and Corona. Early diagnosis and treatment is important for patients with SARS and Corona.

Overall, Ebola, SARS, and Corona are all similar in that they are RNA viruses that cause severe respiratory illness in humans. However, there are some important differences between the viruses. Ebola is much more deadly than SARS or Corona, and it has

Indian Government concerns

Indian Government concerns

Currently, Doctors have a handful of deaths due to coronavirus in China. It appears to be less transmissible unless severe perhaps than SARS or even MERS. So we have that to our advantage as well we're experiencing correct and that's why doctors think that it's so important for people to keep those things in perspective. That doctor dealing with very minimal risk right now from this coronavirus where they deal with a much higher level of risk from very common viruses that we are used to encountering each and every year won't have anything else.

As per the Indian Central Government's Ministry of AYUSH circulated a notice or an advisory to protect from coronavirus in India, the ministry said that corona can be avoided with serious consequences if it is timely defended. The Indian Medical Scientific Advisory Board of the Homeopathy has considered homeopathy 'arsenic album-30' as effective if a patient can take an empty stomach for 3 days to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.

Important note: So far no country has confirmed the success of making the coronavirus vaccine, scientists believe it may take more than 6 months.

Most common symptoms:

fever, dry cough, tiredness

Less common symptoms:

aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes.

Some Important Advice and information:       

  • Maintain personal and social hygiene for good health. 
  •  Wash your in carefully after finishing any which is done with the help of hand with soap or antiseptic gel and water for at least 30 seconds.
  • Drink ayurvedic remedies of Shadang Pania ( ingredients are Musta, Parpat, Uhir, Chandan, Udichiya, and Nagar) mix with water, and boil it (10 grams powder in 1 liter) till to reduced to half. Store it in a safe bottle and drink it at some interval of time when you are thirsty.
  • Make a habit to avoid touching your sensitive part like eyes, nose, and mouth with non-washed hands.
  • Maintain distance from people who are sick.
  • Take a rest in the house when you feel ill.
  • During coughing or sneezing try to cover your mouth and nose and quickly wash your hands.    Clean the place, objects, and surfaces which is regularly used by you.
  • Use an N95 mask during traveling or working in public places.
  • If you are a corona viral infection patient, immediately wear a mask and contact your nearest hospital to take the doctor's prescribed medicine.

Some Help Line Numbers during an emergency:


  •      Emergency Helpline Number (corona-virus)   : +91-11-23978046
  •      Emergency Helpline Email ID (corona-virus)  : ncov2019[at]gmail[dot]com 
  •      Latest Travel advisory for travelers who want to visit China 
  •     Indian Discharge policy for the suspect or confirmed novel Coronavirus patient(2019-nCoV)  
  •     Guidelines on Clinical management of severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) in suspect/confirmed novel Coronavirus (nCoV) cases 
  •       Guidance on Surveillance for human infection with 2019-nCoV
  •        Guidelines for Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Facilities
  •      Guidance for sample Collection, Packaging, and Transportation for Novel Coronavirus
  •      The Twitter link:                              
  •      The Facebook link: 
  •      YouTube channel link:                                                          
  •      WHO Link: 

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