E-commerce is among the only sectors that have seen a boom in the last few months. Things to keep in mind while shopping online, so that you always get the right deal.
Special tips to become a shopping expert sitting at home, you can avoid loss. We Indians are not ready to buy that stuff by touching any item with our hands and turning it back and forth. What did you buy until you negotiated with the shopkeeper? However, the Coronaepidemic also changed the shopping habits of Indians who used to go shopping only until the market at the local mandi or wholesale market. Recently, a friend was in talks to get out of the house at least. He said, 'We had a habit of buying goods from the grocery store. I know that online shopping is easy, but the habit will change gradually, will it not? So this corona epidemic has changed the nature of all Indian consumers like this friend.

According to an online fashion store called AJIO, the trend of online shopping was growing very fast even before the COVID epidemic, but today online shopping has become a necessity. Due to Covid-19, people want to go out as little as possible, so ordering online and ordering goods is a simple and safe option for them.
The amazing thing is that for the first time among online shoppers, the number of users using the e-commerce website is quite high. In the early days of lockdown, the number of visitors to websites such as Amazon, Growers, and Big Basket had increased so much that these websites had to slow down their service. Now the services of all these e-commerce sites are as usual, but you need to be more cautious at the time of purchase so that you are not a victim of fraud.

The website should be reliable
Amar Deep Singh, Digital Marketing Expert, says that for special tips on safe online shopping and becoming a home-grown shopping expert, it is necessary that you shop from a verified shopping website or app. Have a secure antivirus installed on a laptop, computer, or phone, wherever you shop. Do not use your debit function for shopping but use a credit card. If shopping through internet banking, use a virtual keyboard only to enter your customer ID and password. Use that PN (a virtual private network) for a secure buyer. Your IP address is hidden by BPN and hackers are not able to track your IP. Also, use encryption to avoid hackers. You can also use a script blocker. This will help you to avoid the notifications of viruses hidden in the advertisements appearing during shopping. Activate multi-factor authentication when creating your account. By doing this, whenever you log in or make a purchase, an OTP notification will come on your mobile. Lastly, your password should be complicated so that hackers cannot hack it. It must have at least 15 character numbers special characters ie signs of country, dollar, etc. Hackers are never able to hack such passwords.
Greed is bad
Seeing the tag of sale of the century, how does our hand quickly reaches to click on that website? But, always remember one thing you should not make any mistake in the matter of becoming a shopping expert sitting at home, why would anyone sell very cheap things? Experts say that while shopping online, never visit any such site, where goods are getting much cheaper than required. It is possible that after shopping from there you get cheated. It would be better to go to Google and see the review of that website or read the feedback of other consumers before purchasing from there. This will help you make the right decision.
The nature of buyers has changed
A survey conducted by McKinsey & Company in 12 countries found that 91 percent of Indians had changed their purchasing habits during this period of epidemic. Especially most urban consumers are now trying to avoid going to the market for shopping. According to this survey, one in every five people ordering goods online was doing it for the first time.
Is customer service available or not?
For websites that are safe for shopping, there is a toll-free number or email facility for customer service. Before pressing the payment button on the website, please see the information about the customer service there once. Also, check the information related to the refund and exchange of the site. The shopping website will be right, there will be all these facilities.
Keep an eye on the bank statement
If you are shopping online regularly, then keep a close
watch on the bank statement coming from your bank. The advantage of this is
that if you are being charged for some such things during the purchase from the site, about which you are not aware, then you will be able to know about it and
you will be able to take the necessary steps in this matter in time.
This is how you save money
- Always shop online by making a budget and a list.
- Comparing the price of the product on different sites before purchasing can prove to be a profitable deal.
- Shopping websites also offer discount coupons. For discount coupons, search the name of the site and the coupon with it, discount, or free shipping on Google.
- E-commerce websites usually tie up with different banks for cashback. These cash backs are available by purchasing with a credit card or debit card. Keep an eye on such offers. If you do not see cashback offers on the e-commerce site, then you can take the help of sites like CouponDunia.in, Gopaisa.com for cashback.
- Control your habit of shopping with enthusiasm. If you like something expensive then leave it in the shopping cart instead of buying it immediately. If you have an account on that e-commerce site, then it is very likely that you will have some discount offer through email or SMS.
- Most e-commerce sites offer free delivery after purchase up to a certain amount of money. Instead of ordering one or two items, make a list of goods and shop together, and avoid paying delivery charges.
Durga Puja is coming and this information will help us for festival shopping.