The year 2020 spent by Covid-19 has been unique in many other cases. This year, for the first time in Dania, some incidents and trends have been recorded in history.
1) For the first time the Haj pilgrimage was canceled, Saudi Arabia announced in June that pilgrims from outside the country would not be allowed to visit the Mosque of Mecca. This was banned for the first time in modern history.
2) The first gene-editing in humans, in March, US scientists used gene editing trick for the first time on humans. This technique changes the genes and treats them.
3) Successful testing of a flying car, SkyDrive of Japan made the first successful public testing of flying cars in August.
4) Korean band No.1 in the US, South Korean pop band BTS song 'Dynamite' reached number one on the Billboard Magazine Hot 100 in September.
5) Internet from Balloons in Kenya, Google's company Alphabet first introduced 4G Internet to central and western parts of Kenya in Africa with the help of 35 solar-powered balloons.
6) The clearest pictures of the Sun came, in January, space scientists named Daniel K. Inoyui released the clearest picture of the Sun's surface from the solar telescope.
7) Gold reached a record high, gold reached the highest level in the US and 28 grams of gold was around 1.4 lakh rupees till sold.
8) Louis Vuitton's 70 thousand face shield, where all brands continue to make masks, luxury brand Louis Vitton made face shield for the first time, which costs around 70 thousand rupees.
9) India will complete the preparations to send humans to space for the first time. A plan to send three astronauts and a humanoid robot into space was launched under ISRO's Gaganyaan project.
10) LGBTQ awareness will be included in Scotland's school curriculum in May 2021. Scotland will be the first country in the world to do so.
11) Robots will cross the Atlantic for the first time. In April 2021, a plan was made to send a robot-powered ship named Mayflower Autonomous Research on a voyage to the Atlantic.
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