How to Start Your Online Branding in the Digital World - Personal branding & Business branding

Branding refers to the process of creating a new and unique image and name for a service or product with your consumers in mind. Essentially, this happens through a consistent marketing process and theme as well as advertising campaigns. Through branding, you're thinking about establishing a differentiated and important presence in a certain niche, which not only retains but also attracts constant customers and wins their loyalty.

How to Start Your Online Branding in the Digital World - Personal branding & Business branding

How to Start Your Online Branding in the Digital World is a big question for every entrepreneur. There are two types of branding today. One is personal branding and the other is business branding. Simply speaking, personal branding is quite easy to carry out considering you can manage it single-handedly. The only thing you need is an ability, talent, and skills and you can actually sell any product out there. Your personal brand or image is already out there and before your niche; all you need is promotion. On the other hand, business branding is a bit complex and a time-consuming endeavor. Smaller businesses and start-ups find personal branding to be a little bit easier. It’s actually a faster way of promoting success and growth and can actually help to build business branding.

Personal branding

As already mentioned, personal branding is built around a person. The clients and the person are in a one-to-one relationship. A logo isn’t required since a professionally taken profile photo or portrait will do.

Business branding

Business branding is generally built around a common identity and crafted around the “ideal” customers or target audience. Here a logo is required and whatever you’re selling is an idea or something that the audience or target audience can easily relate to.

Personal vs Business Branding (pros & cons)

Personal branding / Pros:

  • Personal branding is highly adaptable and flexible
  • Personal branding is affordable and easy to create
  • It’s also flexible and not tasking to change an idea, product, or interest if the need be

Personal branding /Cons:

  • Personal branding is a little hard to sell since it’s generally your name
  • It’s solely dependent on your name
  • A little hard to manage when it comes to changes

Business branding/ Pros:

  • Business branding is easier to sell
  • In case of changes, management is easier
  • What’s promoted is something a segment of the population identifies with

Business branding / Cons:

  • Business branding takes time to accomplish and harder to develop
  • Not easy to change interests, ideas, or topics since they’re not personal interests
  • Business branding is in most part inflexible

Once you’ve started building your online brand, make up your mind whether you’ll build a business brand or a personal brand. After your mind is clear on the type of branding, you definitely have to define, unmistakably, your business, products, and services.

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