It is very necessary to consume medicines very carefully. Some people buy and consume any medicine without a doctor's advice. This does not solve the problem, but the problem definitely increases. In such a situation, there is no medicine. It is very important to know the rules for buying them. For the medicines which should be taken care of, some markings have been made by the government, which are also given on medicine leaves. You may have seen a red-colored bandage on some medicine leaves. But what is the meaning of such marks? Also know that there is no mistake in the future from you and this information is small, but it is definitely very important. Do read this short article of mine.
So let's know about What is the mark on the leaf of medicine called.
Know the meaning of the Red stripe
Medicines whose long red strips are made on the leaves can neither be sold nor used without a prescription. Antibiotics are not used incorrectly. Therefore, the red-colored bandage is applied to medicines.
Learn the meaning of Rx
Some medicines have Rx marks on the top of their names. This means that it is a medicine given by a doctor. This medicine can only be given to a patient who has been prescribed by the doctor on his prescription. These medicines should not be consumed without a doctor's advice.
Learn the meaning of NRx
It is also written at the top of the name. This means that only those doctors who are licensed to prescribe the drug can recommend taking such medicines. Also, it can sell only to those who have a license.
Learn XRx Meaning
If written XRx, these medicines cannot be taken from medical stores. It is only with the doctor who has the license. Doctors can give it directly to the patient. At the same time, the patient cannot buy it from any medical store. Even if someone has a prescription written by a doctor, he still cannot buy it.
One other important thing to know: -
To keep the clothes from getting rid of insects, we keep naphthalene pills ie camphor tablets so that it stays true for a long time. A good quality naphthalene tablet is finished within 6 months. If not finished, it is not nepthline but some other adulterated side. It usually contains oxy fluorocarbon, which is good for clothes, etc. But exposure to an open injury can be harmful. This can cause dermatitis i.e. redness, burning, itching, etc. in the skin.
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