Have You Heard? What Is Phishing And How To Avoid It?

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In the world of Digital Marketing and the Digital World, the risk of Phishing increased by 500% in Covid-19, this could not prevent even Google-Facebook, increased the attacks of phishing in Corona, and The case is hot after a fishing attack on the anchor of a news channel.

Have You Heard? What Is Phishing And How To Avoid It?

So Friends, Have You Heard? What Is Phishing And How To Avoid It?

In times of crisis like Covid-19 etc., the maximum increases, so by research Educarehub channel is sharing some important points for you. The case of phishing attacks is once again in the headlines. The reason for this is the fraud caused by a news channel anchor. An anchor named Nidhi Razdan was tempted by a job offer at Harvard University, but recently it turned out to be a phishing attack. 

Significantly, during the Corona period, incidents of phishing attacks have increased worldwide. Just last month, IBM Security's task force 'Xforce' warned that a global phishing campaign is underway to target entities linked to a cold chain of Covid-19. Last year, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), the nodal agency for cybersecurity in India, warned that 2 million people could be phishing in the name of free-coded testing through fake emails, social media posts or messages. Huh. 

Google reported in April last year that the coronavirus epidemic has caused a flood of 'phishing attacks' worldwide. The World Health Organization also had to issue an advisory to warn about phishing. It is estimated that 75 to 85 percent of phishing cases are attacked through social media sites. The annual report by The Sensor Security, titled 'The Cost of Cybercrime', states that the number of social media attacks is increasing by 1614 percent every year.

What is phishing:

An important thing, do not get confused with any message in the name of Covid-19. Hearing the word phishing, it seems that phishing is being said, but this phishing means confusing someone through digital means. 

Suppose you get an email that looks like a real message from a bank, company, department, etc. There are some links in it, on clicking on which you reach a website which looks exactly like the website of the same institution. On visiting this, either some malware is downloaded or you are asked to log in or give your credit card, bank account, or any other such confidential information. As soon as you enter that information, it reaches the hands of hackers who are now free to misuse it without your knowledge. Apart from email, links are also sent for phishing through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or any other means.

Links are also sent through MMS for fraud. This is called smishing. In a way, it is phishing. In this too, a link to a website is given or it is asked to call a number. The same happens with forwarded messages on social media. 

Hot Phishing Cases:

  • When the entire city was plunged into darkness, in December 2015, hackers blackout employees of Ukraine's three power distribution companies. The major part of Ukraine remained in darkness for 6 hours. This was the first case of blackout through phishing. 
  • In 2014, emails were sent to hundreds of employees working at Sony Pictures. Hackers called themselves company employees, gathering information about employees from their LinkedIn profiles. Yesterday, 100 TB of data was stolen by combining the company's financial reports and customer data. This caused a loss of Rs 730 crore to Sony. 
  • Between 2013 and 2015, Ivaldas Rimasoskas, a Lithuanian person, alone lashed out $ 100 million to Google-Facebook employees from a phishing attack. The case came to light in 2017. Evaladas sent emails to employees creating a fake company. Google-Facebook employees doing business with an Asia-based company were sent invoices from this company's fake emails and received payments. 
  • Crelan Bank CEO of Belgium succumbed to fraud attack. A phishing attack was detected during the company's internal audit. This led to a loss of $ 75 million to the bank.
  • In 2016, hackers obtained the Gmail account password of Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta from Phishing. 

Some Major Loss due to Phishing:

Some Major Loss due to Phishing:

  • 1 lakh crore Financial loss has been done so far, due to phishing related to business email to the world, according to an FBI report released in 2018.
  • 16 crores Indian institutions suffered an average loss from a data breach in 2019-20, according to IBM. The phishing attack was the main reason.
  • Covid-related cases of phishing increased by 4 percent in March 2020, according to a report by IT security company Barracuda Networks.
  • The loss of 1600 crore rupees was done to India in the year 2013, according to the report of IFSEC.

Doubt and Common Sense are 5 Effective Ways to Avoid

  • Start doubting the messages and links that came through any email, social media forward or SMS. Look at breathtaking offers such as a sudden lottery, job offer, etc. In today's time, no offer is free.
  • Emails sent with the intent of phishing contain language inaccuracies, so check the language of the mail and the spelling of words. One reason for this is that hackers are not very scholarly. Secondly, they do this to avoid the filters of Gmail or Outlook, etc.
  • Move the mouse cursor over the link that looks suspicious, do not click. This can reveal its source. For example, the mail is shown coming from the RBI, but it will not show the RBI when the cursor is moved.
  • To check job offers, any government information-order, offers of a company, information of competition, etc., cross-check or call the respective company's website.
  • Avoid clicking blindly, downloading indiscriminately. Keep antivirus updates in the system. Keep the browser updated. Spam or report the suspicious email by clicking on the three points on its side.

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